Terms of service


NOTICE: It is wise to seek your doctors advice before beginning any health/fitness/nutrition program!

This release is entered into between the undersigned and Unleash Performance, its officers, subsidiaries, its programs, affiliates, and executors in addition to the City of Phoenix. The purpose of Unleash Performance is to provide fitness instruction and wellness coaching for various levels of athletes/individuals.

The undersigned hereby acknowledge that the following was explained to me and/or agree to the following:

1. Acknowledges that Keith Haaff is not a physician and is not trained in any way to provide medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or any other type of medical advice.

2. Acknowledges that coaching/training is another tool for teaching athletes/individuals about themselves, but that Unleash Performance does not guarantee neither good nor bad will occur nor guarantees the training advice/nutritional education given by Keith Haaff including Unleash Performance will produce good nor bad results. Unleash Performance reserves the right refuse camp/coaching services.

3. Acknowledges that the undersigned has been told if they feel tired, feel pain or feel out of the ordinary in any way either related to your training, or otherwise, that the undersigned should contact a physician at once.

4. Acknowledges that nutritional, wellness coaching, boot camps, aerobic classes, martial arts, kick boxing, running, kung-fu, weight training, obstacle courses, and any other related sports are an extreme test of one’s mental and physical limits and carry with it potential for damage or loss of property, serious injury and death. That the undersigned assumes the risks of participating in these types of events/activities including the elements of a natural environment, that they are fit, and they have a regular medical physician they can contact regarding any medical problems that they might develop. The undersigned expressly waive, release, discharge and agree not to sue from any liability of death, disability, personal injury, or action of any kind Unleash Performance for the undersigned participating in said sporting events and/or training/nutrition coaching for said sporting events and/or training/nutrition/life coaching.

5. Acknowledges that any information not included below and/or medical permission to participate in boot camp or any wellness coaching requested per instructor will result in immediate dismissal.

The Undersigned agrees that this is the full agreement between the parties, that Unleash Performance including Keith Haaff nor anyone else has not verbally contradicted any of the terms of this release and that the undersigned has entered into this agreement free and voluntarily without force or coercion.